For the Land Ownership Player Guide, click here
1. Level - Level is based on how long the Land has been activated. Higher level Lands can have higher Huting fees and Harvesting commissions.
2. Number - The number assigned to the plot of Land.
3. Universe - Identifies which Universe the plot of Land belongs to.
4. Zone - This is how far your Land is from the center of the Universe. There are 8 Zones on Earth. The higher the number, the farther away your Land is. Higher zone Lands tend to have higher production speed and lower honeypot drop times than lower zone Lands. Generations Bees need a higher Endurance to reach Lands in higher Zones. Training Bees’ reach is determined by the player’s XP level. Genesis Bees can access all Lands on Earth and on Cocarro.
5. Landform - The Landform of the plot. When a Bee has a Landform Specialty, it will get a stat boost when sent to Lands that match its Speciality. Note: Each Landform Specialty has been assigned a color. In the example above, you can see that Meadow Landforms are purple.
6. Climate - Every Land will either have a Normal or Extreme Climate. An Extreme Climate means a Land will produce Honeypots that have a single type of shard. This changes day to day.
7. Owner - Identifies the owner of that plot. If there is no owner shown, then that Land is for sale on the Asset Marketplace or is owned by someone holding a Land ticket that has not been claimed. If the owner is shown as Honeyland_double, it’s owned by the Honeyland treasury.
8. Commission Fee - The fee, charged by the Landowner, paid by EACH Bee that Harvests the Land. The fee is a percentage of the Bee’s total Harvest and is paid at the end of the Harvest. The default is 4% of the Harvest, but it can vary from 0-10%. If you cancel your Harvest, you forfeit any Honey the Bee has collected.
9. Entry Fee - The fee, charged by the Landowner, paid by EACH Bee that Hunts the Land. The fee is a flat rate and is paid at the beginning of the Hunt. The default is 0.4 Honey (HXD), but it can vary from 0-1 Honey. If you cancel your Hunt, you forfeit your entry fee.
10. Honey Reserves - This shows how much Honey is currently available (as reserves) on the Land. The reserve is replenished according to the Honey Production Speed. The Land produces Honey every 5 minutes. If that Honey isn't Harvested, it's added to the reserve. Lands are producing Honey even when the reserve is zero.
11. Honey Production Speed - This shows how quickly the Land produces Honey for Bees to Harvest. The higher the number, the more Honey the Land can produce in a day. See further details in the Honey Production Speed section below.
12. Honeypot Drop Time - This shows how often (in minutes) the Land produces new Honeypots to be found by Hunting Bees. Once the previous Honeypot is found, the clock restarts. The lower the number, the more Honeypots the Land can produce in a day.
13. Next Drop - How many minutes before the next Honeypot will be available. When that drop time expires, 20% of Training Bees and 1 Working Bee Hunting on that Land will receive a Honeypot (they do not get the same Honeypot).
14. Edit Fees - Allows Landowners to modify the fees they charge visiting Bees. This button is only visible to the Landowner.
15. Use Item - Click to add Lanterns, Paradise Makers, Poison Bombs, or Cursed Honey Drops to this Land. Landowners can also use Mint Sprays.
16. Change Drop Time - Extreme Climate Lands only - This button is only visible to the Landowner. It allows the Landowner to change the time that their Extreme Climate Land resets each day.
17. Harvest - Number of Bees currently Harvesting that Land. The first number is the total number of Bees Harvesting that Land. The second number is the number of YOUR Bees Harvesting that Land. Working Bees and Training Bees are displayed separately.
18. Hunt - Number of Bees currently Hunting that Land. The first number is the total number of Bees Hunting that Land. The second number is the number of YOUR Bees Hunting that Land. Working Bees and Training Bees are displayed separately.
19. + Add - Click to send Bees to this Land.
20. Active Shard - This shows what type of shard an Extreme Climate Land is currently producing. This is only visible to the Landowner and to players who have this Land revealed by an active Sonar Buzz. For 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after each Extreme Climate Land resets each day, the available shard will display as a ? instead of the shard type. This is to allow for the game to update and to ensure that the accurate shard type is displayed.
21. Remove All - Tap this button to remove all of your active Bees from this Land. You can’t remove other player’s Bees.
Here's an example of how these properties are displayed on HiveMind
Lands have either a Normal or Extreme climate.
The difference between Normal and Extreme climate Lands is really important when you are Hunting. It doesn’t impact Harvesting.
Extreme Lands are randomly assigned a single type of shard. Every Hunt on that Land will return the same type of shard for 24 hours (quantity will differ). When the Land resets, the Extreme Land will be assigned a new type of shard that it will produce for the next 24 hours. NOTE: Training Bees can’t Hunt Extreme Lands.
Normal Lands always produce a random assortment of shards and will reward a minimum of 10 shards per honeypot. Hunting a Normal Land will return different shards each visit even within the same game day.
STRATEGY: If you are seeking a specific shard (for example, a Bee Egg shard), find an Extreme Climate Land that is producing those shards and send your Bees to Hunt there as often as you can. You can deploy Sonar Buzz to reveal which shards a select number of Extreme Climate Lands are producing right now.
Look out! - Some Extreme Lands will be FULL of Bees trying to get a specific shard. Lots of competition from other players means your Bee can take a long time to return to your Hive. Look around and see if you can find an Extreme Land that is less busy but still offering the shard you are looking for.
545 (13.6%) of the 4000 Lands in Universe 1 are Extreme Climate Lands.
Extreme lands will have EX as highlighted below.
Land Activities
This area shows the total number of Bees active on the Land.
The first number is the total number of your Bees (both Hunting and Harvesting) on that Land. The second number is the total number of Bees active on that Land.
In this example, there are ten Bees active on the Land and seven of them are owned by the Player looking at this screen. Tap the Yellow Go button for further details about the type of Bee and whether the Bee is Hunting or Harvesting.
Mission Assists
Learn more about Sonar Buzz, Poison Bomb, Cursed Honey Drops, Paradise Makers, Mint Spray, and Lanterns and how they assist your missions.
Landform and Climate Distribution
On Earth (Universe 1), the climate distribution is as follows:
- Normal: 3,455 lands (86.4%)
- Extreme: 545 lands (13.6%)
Landform type distribution:
- Desert: 718 (17.6%)
- Meadow: 767 (19.2%)
- Summit: 801 (20.0%)
- Woodland: 812 (20.3%)
- Seaside: 902 (22.6%)
Zone: 8
Total: 227 (5.7%)
Extreme climate: 41
Normal climate: 186
Min productionSpeed: 3121
Max productionSpeed: 5000
Average productionSpeed: 3901.1497
Min dropTimeInMinutes: 30
Max dropTimeInMinutes: 55
Average dropTimeInMinutes: 44.009
Zone: 7 (9.35%)
Total: 374
Extreme climate: 49
Normal climate: 325
Min production Speed: 2640
Max production Speed: 3960
Average production Speed: 3300.0
Min drop Time In Minutes: 45
Max drop Time In Minutes: 65
Average drop Time in Minutes: 55.949
Zone: 6 (14%)
total: 560
extreme climate: 66
normal climate: 494
min production Speed: 2319
max production Speed: 3479
average production Speed: 2899.0
min drop Time In Minutes: 55
max drop Time In Minutes: 85
average drop Time In Minutes: 69.902
Zone: 5 (21%)
total: 840
extreme climate: 174
normal climate: 666
min production Speed: 2155
max production Speed: 3371
average production Speed: 2694.0
min drop Time In Minutes: 70
max drop Time In Minutes: 105
average drop Time In Minutes: 87.0119
Zone: 4 (20.9%)
total: 836
extreme climate: 56
normal climate: 780
min production Speed: 1916
max production Speed: 2874
average production Speed: 2395.0
min drop Time In Minutes: 85
max drop Time In Minutes: 130
average drop Time In Minutes: 109.0071
Zone: 3 (13.8%)
total: 550
extreme climate: 48
normal climate: 502
min production Speed: 1158
max production Speed: 2285
average production Speed: 1751.307
min drop Time In Minutes: 110
max drop Time In Minutes: 255
average drop Time In Minutes: 168.472
Zone: 2 (9.2%)
total: 368
extreme climate: 30
normal climate: 338
min production Speed: 1158
max production Speed: 2285
average production Speed: 1725.375
min drop Time In Minutes: 110
max drop Time In Minutes: 255
average drop Time In Minutes: 164.524
Zone: 1 (6.1%)
total: 243
extreme climate: 80
normal climate: 163
min production Speed: 1158
max production Speed: 2285
average production Speed: 1607.24
min drop Time In Minutes: 110
max drop Time In Minutes: 255
average drop Time In Minutes: 151.21
First Half of Universe one mint included:
- Normal: 1797
- Extreme: 203
Which were divided by Landform Specialty as follows:
- Woodland: 629
- Desert: 618
- Seaside: 485
- Summit: 140
- Meadow: 128
Second Half of Universe one mint included:
- Normal: 1658
- Extreme: 342
Which were divided by Landform Specialty as follows:
- Woodland: 183
- Desert: 100
- Seaside: 417
- Summit: 661
- Meadow: 639
Honey Production Speed Distribution
The information below indicates the range and distribution of Honey Production Speed across all Lands on on Earth:
- Lowest: 1,158
- Highest: 5,000
- Average: 2,500
The totals below indicate the range and distribution of Honey Production for each grade across all Lands on Earth:
Drop Rate Distribution
The information below indicates the range and distribution of Honeypot Drop Rate across all Lands on Earth:
- Slowest: 255
- Fastest: 30
- Average: 106
The totals below indicate the range and distribution of Honeypot Drop Rates for each grade across all Lands on Earth: