What is the Honeyland Token - $HXD

$HXD is the token that supports the Honeyland economy. Inside the game, HXD is referred to as Honey.  Learn about staking HXD here.

Earning Honey ($HXD)

  • Honey can be earned through Harvesting, PvP, Siege, and Explore missions
  • Landowners receive Honey when other players send their Bees to Hunt and Harvest owned Land
  • When you sell assets and items using the Marketplaces, you are paid in Honey

CEX - Centralized Exchange Listings

HXD is available for purchase on the following exchanges:
Raydium || BitMart || MEXC || Gate.io || Cube || Coins.ph || Coinstore

Once you purchase HXD, visit the Bank inside the game to deposit HXD to your game account then navigate to the rewards screen to claim your deposit.

Purchase $HXD with your credit card

You can purchase $HXD using our Stripe Onramp

Visit buy.honey.land

  • Connect your wallet
  • Enter the amount of HXD you want to buy or the amount of USD you want to spend. Initially, it will be limited to $100 per day/per player.
  • Enter the amount of HXD you wish to buy or the amount of USD you wish to spend
  •  Enter your email address, then enter the verification code that was sent to you.

  •  You will be directed to the Stripe site to submit your credit card details. You will have the option to download your receipt.

  •  When you receive the confirmation message, close the stripe window and return to buy.honey.land.

  •  Scroll down for your Purchase History.
  • NOTE: You may need to refresh the buy.honey.land page to see your updated purchase history.


  • You can claim your HXD on the buy.honey.land site or in the game.


  • To claim in the game: Restart Honeyland then visit the rewards section
  • To claim on the buy.honey.land site: Click the yellow “Claim” button
  • Your HXD has been added to your in-game balance
  • Visit the Bank (via Honeyland’s main menu) and tap withdraw to see the HXD added to your in-game, tax-free balance

Deposit HXD

There are two ways to deposit HXD into your game account:  The in-game Bank and Honeyland's companion website HiveMind.

Withdrawals can only be made using the in-game Bank. 

NOTE: If you are playing Honeyland using Android or iOS, you can also buy HXD packages from the in-game shop

In-Game Bank

  • Tap on the main menu, then choose Bank.
  • Choose Deposit, enter the amount, and tap the button. You will be taken to your wallet to approve the transaction.

This will move the HXD to the rewards screen inside the game.  Access the rewards screen by tapping the Rewards button in the lower left corner. Then tap the Misc. button. This will allow you to claim the deposit so you can use the funds in the game.

NOTE: If you have trouble with the in-game Bank, try using HiveMind.


  • Visit HiveMind
  • Connect your Solana wallet
  • The Deposit HXD button is on the right side, just below your banner.

  • Choose an amount, then tap deposit.

This will move the HXD to the rewards screen inside the game.  Access the rewards screen by tapping the Rewards button in the lower left corner. Then tap the Misc. button. This will allow you to claim the deposit so you can use the funds in the game.

Withdraw HXD

Withdrawals are manually approved and may take up to 24 hours to appear in your wallet. The frequency of withdrawals you can make is based on your VIP level. Withdrawals should be in round numbers and be at least 50 HXD.

How frequently can I withdraw Honey and convert it to $HXD tokens?

The time required between withdrawals can vary from 1 to 5 days and is based on the player's VIP level. Players can reduce the time required by engaging in various in-game activities.

Are there any restrictions on withdrawing Honey (HXD)?

Yes, there is a withdrawal tax for converting unlocked Honey to $HXD tokens. The tax amount ranges from 10% to 30% based on the player's activity in the Honeyland economy.  Your VIP level will determine the exact tax.

New players start with a 30% tax but can reduce it by interacting with in-game transactions, using the marketplace, Breeding, etc. 

A player's VIP level also determines how often they can withdraw Honey.

Taxable and tax-free balance, withdrawal tax percentage

To see your tax-free and taxable balances as well as your current withdrawal tax percentage, visit the in-game Bank (via the main menu) and then tap Withdraw. 

Your total balance, tax-free balance, taxable balance, and current tax percentage will all be displayed. 

Taxable Balance = Honey (HXD) earned playing Honeyland - including selling items via the Item Marketplace

Tax-free Balance = Honey (HXD) deposited into the game and/or earned from selling Bees, Queens, and/or Lands via the in-game the Marketplace

NOTE: Asset marketplace purchases are paid using the player's tax-free balance first (if available), all other game play will use the taxable balance first.

Example: If a player has 0 HXD in-game, deposits 1,000 HXD, and then spends 200 HXD on various shop purchases and sending Bees on Hunting Missions, their new tax-free balance is 800 HXD. If they then earn 200 HXD in-game, their tax-free balance remains 800 HXD since the tax-free balance can’t be replenished by playing Honeyland. 

What happens to the withdrawal tax collected from converting Honey to $HXD tokens?

The withdrawal tax collected is allocated as follows: 50% to the Honeyland treasury for game development, 25% recycled back into player rewards, and 25% burned. 

HXD Withdrawal Rules

 Not Certified Beekeeper
No Season Pass
Certified Beekeeper
No Season Pass
Purchased Season Pass
this Month
Honey (HXD) earned from game play can be withdrawn from the gameNoYes

Min: 50 HXD per withdrawal

Max: 250 HXD per withdrawal

Total monthly withdrawal limit is 250 HXD

Maximum amount based on Season Pass perks and progress - up to the maximum monthly withdrawal amount

Withdrawal level resets at the beginning of each month when the new Season Pass starts
Withdrawal tax and cooldown between withdrawalsN/ABased on player's
VIP level
Based on player's
VIP level
Honey (HXD) deposited into the game can be withdrawn from the game tax freeYesYesYes
Honey (HXD) purchased in the game can be withdrawn from the game tax freeYesYesYes
  • Beemium is a one-time, $100 purchase, that provides unlimited withdrawals
    Withdrawals are subject to withdrawal tax and cooldown based on the player's VIP Level
  • Players that don't hold Beemium can withdraw based on their Certification and Season Pass status
  • All players can withdraw their tax-free balance at any time

VIP Benefits at each Level

VIP LevelAvatar FrameWithdrawal Tax (%)Withdrawal Frequency (in Days)*Daily Wheel SpinsXP Multiplier


VIP LevelDaily Item Marketplace Listings**Daily Limited Shop Total Purchase LimitDaily Limited Shop Per Item Purchase LimitDaily Limited Shop Items

* Stated withdrawal frequency requires the player to hold Beemium or have purchased a Season Pass this month               
**Daily Item Marketplace sales are limited to the number of slots x 2                                    
Additional Item Marketplace listing slots can be purchased as well as earned by completing Season Pass tasks          

Certified Beekeepers can withdraw up to 250 HXD per month - Minimum withdrawal is 50 HXD                           


Beemium allows players to withdraw HXD from the game with no amount limits. Withdrawals are subject to withdrawal tax and cooldown based on the Player's VIP level.

Beemium costs approximately $100 USD (one time), and can be purchased inside Honeyland via the game shop with a credit card or through the HiveMind website using our $HXD Token. 

How to get it:

  • One-time $100 fee in Honeyland (must be a Certified Beekeeper to unlock this option)
  • SAGA holders get Beemium for free with their Saga Genesis token (non-transferrable)
  • Other future opportunities: Raffles, etc.

What it gets you:

  •  Unlimited withdrawal amounts

What changed about Beemium in August 2024:

  • No longer allows Training Bees to Hunt Extreme Climate Lands (Training Bees can no longer Hunt on Extreme Climate Lands overall)
  • No longer allows you to list in the Items Marketplace (Listing requires Certified Beekeeper or Season Pass with level 1 VIP)
  • No longer removes the cooldown on breeding and upgrading (Certified Beekeeper does this)
  • Inactivity tax (120 days for Certified Beekeepers, then it starts. Else, it starts after 30 days of inactivity. Purchasing a season pass is considered activity)

Players that don't hold Beemium can withdraw based on their Certification and Season Pass status.

All fees collected from Beemium upgrades go back into Player Rewards.

Distribution of Honey (HXD) between Universes

As more Universes open, the total daily Honey (HXD) production available for player rewards in the game will remain the same - approximately 319,000 Honey per day. This means each time new Universes open, there will be halving events and the distribution of Honey will change. 

Read more about how the opening of Cocarro affected the distribution of HXD here.

$HXD Token Charts

Here are several sources where you can view charts for the Honeyland token:

  1. CoinMarketCap

  2. CoinGecko

  3. BirdEye

  4. DEXTools

HXD Burn Mechanics

Honey (HXD) is a deflationary token with a max supply of 1,000,000,000 $HXD. However, there will be burn mechanics built into Honeyland to ensure the health and value of Honey. The following actions will cause Honey tokens to be burned: 

  • Breeding - players can use their Bees and Honey to breed more Bees. While there are breeding limits and increased pricing as the Bees breed more, 50% of the Honey spent by the player to breed will also be burned. These will ensure that as the Bee population grows, the Honey supply is shrinking.
  •  Withdrawal Tax - when players want to convert the Honey they've earned in Honeyland into $HXD, there is a withdrawal tax based on the player's VIP level. 25% of this tax will be burned.
  • Special Burn Events - From time to time, Honeyland will incentivize players to burn their Honey in exchange for access to special prizes and events.

You can see the total HXD Burned by visiting our Flipside Dashboard.


As the game progresses and more Universes are introduced, the total daily introduction of Honey (HXD), which is the in-game currency, will remain constant at approximately 319,000 Honey per day.

To ensure this consistency, whenever new Lands are opened, there will be halving events. It's important to note that the daily introduction of Honey will not change. However, it will be divided between all Universes and other player reward events.

The halving events aim to balance the availability of resources and maintain the value of Honey in response to the growing player base and the opening of new Lands and Universes.

Honey (HXD) Tokenomics

Max Supply: 1,000,000,000 HXD
Token Contract: 3dgCCb15HMQSA4Pn3Tfii5vRk7aRqTH95LJjxzsG2Mug
IDO: March 16, 2023

Player Rewards:
350,000,000 (35%) - Player Rewards - These will unlock with linear daily vesting for 36 months after IDO and can be claimed via gameplay. Additional player reward tokens will be made available through $HXD transactions and added to this allocation.

160,000,000 (16%) - Core Team - These are locked for 12 months after IDO and linear vesting for the next 18 months. This consists of the 4 founders who have been involved with Honeyland since its inception.

50,000,000 (5%) - Advisors - These are locked for 1 month after IDO and linear vesting for the next 18 months. Some advisor tokens will be reserved for future advisors. Any advisors joining after the IDO will have tokens locked for 3 months, followed by linear vesting for the next 21 months.

30,000,000 (3%) - Developers - These are locked for 3 months after IDO and linear vesting for the next 24 months.

10,000,000 (1%) - Artists - These are locked for 1 month after IDO and linear vesting for the next 18 months.

Public Sale:
20,000,000 (2%) - Public sale - 25% will be unlocked and sent to launchpads for distribution on IDO date. The remaining tokens will be unlocked over the first three months after IDO. A total of 13,557,369 $HXD tokens were sold at $0.035 through launchpads. The remaining 6,442,631 $HXD tokens were moved to the Hexagon Treasury on November 9, 2023.

69,555,556 (7%) - Seed round - These are locked for 3 months after IDO and linear vesting for the next 15 months. This round was raised in Q1 2022.

36,678,571 (3.7%) - Private A round - These are locked for 1 month after IDO and linear vesting for the next 15 months. This round was raised in Q2 2022.

103,765,873 (10.4%) - Future Investors - Tokens for all investors in any future fundraising rounds will have a 6 month lockup period, followed by a minimum of 12 months vesting from the date of the investment funding.

20,000,000 (2%) - Marketing - 5% of these will unlock 1 week after IDO and then will have linear vesting for 12 months. These will be used for community rewards and incentives to help strengthen and grow the community and onboard players.

50,000,000 (5%) - Reserves - These are locked for 1 month after IDO and linear vesting for the next 12 months. These will be primarily used to allow Honeyland to offer tokens for partnerships and big opportunities post-launch of the game.

50,000,000 (5%) - Liquidity - 40% will unlock at IDO and linear vesting for the next 3 months.

50,000,000 (5%) - Treasury - 25% of these will unlock 1 week after IDO and linear vesting for 3 months after.