Harvesting is the primary way to earn Honey (HXD) on Earth. Honey is used throughout the Honeyverse to buy assets, join events, pay for missions, upgrade, Breed, and much more! It opens the door to a wide variety of fun activities.

The amount of Honey your Bee collects depends on its Capacity stat. The time it takes the Bee to collect the Honey depends on its Agility stat. If you send an average Bee (Capacity and Agility) to a Land with average competition on the Land, the mission should take approximately four hours to bring the Honey (HXD) back to the hive. Once your Bee completes his mission, he will have an average of a two-hour recovery period before he is ready to embark on a new mission.

Honey Production

Lands constantly produce Honey according to their Honey production speed. You can see the production speed and the hourly amount a Land produces by visiting the Land and reviewing the details at the top of the screen. 

  • Try to send your Bees to higher zones as they have a higher zone multiplier and also tend to produce more Honey
  • Look for Lands that aren’t crowded as busy Lands will require your Bees to compete for the Honey being produced

Land Reserves

  • Land reserves build when Honey production is higher than the amount of Honey actively being Harvested
  • Lands with 0 reserves can still be Harvested as Honey is constantly being produced
  • Bees tend to Harvest faster on Lands that have reserves so be sure to take advantage when you see a Land with reserves

Choosing a Land to Send Bees

The Zone your Bees can reach is determined by their Endurance stat.

Tap around on the map to see the conditions of various Lands before sending your Bees.

Review the quality indicators to determine if this is a Land where you want to send your Bees.

On the slide out Land menu, just above the Info and Go buttons, you will see the number of Bees you have available to send to this Land.  (see the screen shot below for an example of a slide out Land menu)

Tap the + button(s) to send Bees on Missions. Once you have the numbers of Bees set, tap the Send button to get them on their way!

You can tap the Info button to see the full details about this Land and to choose specific Bees to send.

Searching Lands

Need further help choosing which Land to Harvest? Deploy Sonar Buzz to view the details of a variety of Lands at a glance. This time saver helps you identify Lands that are currently high producers. You can bookmark your favorite Lands by tapping the heart icon on the Land view to add it to your Harvest or Hunt list (accessible by tapping the Land icon in the bottom right corner on the universe view).

You can also use the Land search to search by Zone, Landform Speciality, and Climate type to find specific Lands.

Harvesting Fees

The fee for Harvesting is a percentage of the Honey that each Bee Harvests. The rate is set by the Landowner and can range from 0% to 10%. The default fee is 4%. This fee is deducted from the total Honey collected and is automatically paid to the Landowner at the end of the mission.

If you remove a Bee from Harvesting before the mission finishes, the Honey it has collected will be sent to the Honeyland treasury rather than your wallet. 

The current fees for a Land are displayed as shown in the red box below. The Harvesting commission is on the left.

What determines how much Honey I receive?

Capacity Stat - How much Honey your Bee can collect

Capacity Boosts: 

  • Match your Bee's Mood to the Mood of your Queen 
  • Match your Bee's Mood to the Mood of other Bees on the Mission 
  • Match your Bee's Likes to other Bee's on the Mission

Capacity Formulas:

  • Boosted Capacity = Base Capacity + Queen boost + any like match boost

  • HXD Harvested = {0.0008 * (Boosted Capacity^1.3509) * zone multiplier percentage} * 0.5

  • HXD Received = HXD Harvested - Land commission

Agility Stat - How fast your Bee collects Honey

Agility Boosts:

  • Match your Bee's Landform Specialty to the Land you are Harvesting
  • Harvest on Lands that have an active Paradise Maker

Agility Formulas:

  • Effective Agility = ((base + <queen boost>) * <landform boost> ) * zone multiplier
  • Honey (HXD) a Bee can collect per min = {0.000012 * (Effective Agility stat^1.3)} * 0.5

Mission Boosts

You can maximize your rewards by sending groups of Bees with matching traits on missions. Pay attention to the Bees' moods, likes/dislikes, and landform specialties to receive significant mission boosts. You also receive mission boosts when the mood of your Bee matches the mood of your Queen. 

See Mission Boosts Player Guide for more details

You can also upgrade your Bees to help them bring back more rewards.  

Zone Multiplier

The Zone of the mission impacts the effective Capacity (how much your Bee can collect) and Agility (how fast your Bee collects) stats of Harvesting Bees

Here are the zone multiplier percentages for Capacity and Agility in each Zone:

  • Zone 1: 32.06%
  • Zone 2: 37.71%
  • Zone 3: 44.37%
  • Zone 4: 52.20%
  • Zone 5: 61.41%
  • Zone 6: 72.25%
  • Zone 7: 85%
  • Zone 8: 100%

NOTE: This reduction is only in effect during the mission and does not affect the actual stats of the Bee.

For example: a Bee with Capacity and Agility of 180 will have an effective Stat of 58 (32.06%) when Harvesting in Zone 1, and an effective Stat of 180 (100%) when Harvesting in Zone 8.

NOTE: The maximum Zone that a Bee can reach depends on its Endurance Stat (Generations Working Bees) or your XP level (Training Bees). Genesis Bees can travel to all zones in both universes. 

Recovery Stat - Time until your Bee is able to go on another mission

Recovery Period:

  • Recovery period = 3488*(Recovery stat^-0.64) rounded to the nearest full minute

Recovery Reduction:

Your Bee’s Recovery time can be affected by the Generation of your Active Queen

  • Genesis Queen - 25% reduction
  • Gen 1 - 15%
  • Gen 2 - 8%
  • Gen 3 and Training Queens don't affect recovery reduction

Poison Bombs and Paradise Makers

When selecting a Land for Harvesting, be cautious of active Poison Bombs deployed by other players. These Poison Bombs decrease the Agility stat of your Bee, which can increase the time it takes for your Bee to return from Harvesting.

Keep an eye out for Lands with active Paradise Makers, as they increase your Bee's Agility and speed up the Harvesting process.

Heading Home

If you remove Bees from a mission, they will show as “Heading Home” until they are ready to go out again (Heading Home takes 5 minutes or less).

Claiming Honey

To claim your Honey after a Harvesting mission, simply return to the game and tap the rewards icon in the lower left area. You can claim your rewards one-by-one or use the Claim All button.


Harvesting Example - Boost Agility
Boost Your Bee's Agility Stat by Matching Landform and Moods
Assume the Following:
Queen Agility Stat220
Queen TypeGenesis
Queen Level20
Bee's Base Agility Stat160
Mission Boost
Base Agility Stat of Bee: 160
*Bee Matches Queen's Mood50% Boost Based on Queen's Stat and Type
Bee's Landform Specialty
Matches the Mission Land's Type
or the Mission is on a Land
with an Active Paradise Maker
75% Boost
*Bee Matches the Mood of
2+ Additional Bees on the Mission
Additional 15% Boost
Effective Stat After Boosts: 544
* See the Mission Boosts Player Guide to Determine the Boost
You can Receive Either a Landform Match Boost OR a Paradise Maker Boost



Harvesting Example - Boost Capacity

Boost Your Bee's Capacity Stat by Matching Moods and Likes
Assume the Following:
Queen Capacity Stat200
Queen TypeGenesis
Queen Level20
Bee's Base Capacity Stat140
Mission Boost
Base Capacity Stat of Bee140
*Bee Matches Queen's Mood50% Boost Based on Queen's Stat and Type
*Bee Matches the Like of
2+ Additional Bees on the Mission
30% Boost Based on Bee's Stat
*Bee Matches the Mood of
2+ Additional Bees on the Mission
Additional 15% Boost
Effective Stat After Boosts: 325
* See the Mission Boosts Player Guide to Determine the Boost