On Earth


  • Genesis and Generations Queens - Can lead missions to all zones on Earth
  • Training Queens - Can lead missions to zones 1-5 based on the player’s XP level


NOTE: Landowners can send their Genesis, Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3 Bees to their own Lands regardless of the Bee's Endurance stat. EXCEPTION: Training Bees' reach is limited by the player's XP level (maximum reach is Zone 5) even when doing missions on owned Land.

  • Genesis, Chase Bees and Mad Honey Vial #2 Bees - Can Hunt and Harvest all Earth zones
  • Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3 - The zone they can reach is based on their Endurance stat (see details below)
  • Training Bees - Can join missions to zones 1-5 based on the player’s XP level

Endurance Stat Required

  • Zone 1: 100-129 
  • Zone 2: 130-139 
  • Zone 3: 140-154 
  • Zone 4: 155-174 
  • Zone 5: 175-199 
  • Zone 6: 200-229 
  • Zone 7: 230-269 
  • Zone 8: 270+ 

NOTE: Cocarro (Universe 2) Bees can be used on Earth (Universe 1) missions. However, Cocarro Bees (other than Cocarro Genesis Bees) will have a 50% reduction in their stats on all Earth missions.

On Cocarro

NOTE: The Endurance stat doesn't affect Explore missions


  • All Genesis and Ancient Queens - Can lead any Cocarro mission
  • Cocarro Queens - The Siege zone they can reach is based on their Endurance stat (see details below)
  • Earth Queens - Cannot lead Siege missions


  • All Genesis, Chase Bees and Mad Honey Vial #2 Bees - Can go on any Siege mission
  • Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3 - The Siege zone they can reach is based on their Endurance stat (see details below)

Endurance Stat Required

NOTE: Genesis Bees, Genesis Queens, Chase Bees, and MHV2 Bees can travel to any zone regardless of their Universe or Endurance stat

Cocarro (Universe 2) Bees and Queens - Endurance Stat Required

  • Zone 1: 100-129 
  • Zone 2: 130-139 
  • Zone 3: 140-154 
  • Zone 4: 155-174 
  • Zone 5: 175-199 
  • Zone 6: 200+ 

Earth (Universe 1) Bees - Endurance Stat Required

  • Zone 1: 
    • Gen 1: All have access
    • Gen 2: 200-259 
    • Gen 3: 200-259 
  • Zone 2: 260-279 
  • Zone 3: 280-309 
  • Zone 4: 310-349 
  • Zone 5: 350-399 
  • Zone 6: 400+ 

Zone Indicators

You can see the Zone a Bee can reach displayed in the upper left corner of each Bee when sending Bees on Missions. 

Tap the "i" icon next to the Endurance stat to quickly see where your Bee can travel.

Use the Filter to sort by Endurance to group your Bees by Zone.