Yes! Matching your Bees' Moods to other Bees on the same mission grants an extra boost to their performance during the mission. It's always beneficial to have compatible Moods among the Bees working together.

When your Bees’ Moods match your Queen’s Mood:

  • Your Bees’ base Luck stat will be boosted which is useful for Hunting missions.

  • Your Bees’ base Agility and Capacity stats will be boosted which is useful for Harvesting missions.

  • Your Bees’ base Health and Defense stats will be boosted which is useful for Defending your Hive.

  • Your Bees’ base Health and Attack stats will be boosted which is useful for Raiding.

Further Boosts:
Match your Bees’ Moods with other Bees on the same Mission to receive an additional stat boost for that Mission.

Match your Queen's Mood with the Mood of the Bee(s) to receive a stat boost when you send Bees on Missions.

NOTE: Mood's are randomly assigned when a Bee is Bred or Hatched. You can't change the Mood of a male Bee. Queen's mood will change when she Breeds without Mood Stabilizer and with some upgrades

Reminder: Matching Landform Specialty and Matching Likes/Dislikes gives additional stat boosts.